Business Optimization 101 is a Strategic Plan development workshop for small and mid-size businesses who want to improve their business. We will convey high-level business methodologies to the course participants and teach them how to implement those practices to better their businesses. This workshop will cover the development and understanding of the following:
- Mission Statement
- Vision Statement
- Core Values
- Eagle Teams
- Four Building Blocks of Business
- SWOTT Analysis
- Process Outline and Redesign
- Organizational Alignment
- Skills vs Competencies
- Marketing Research
- Positioning
- Customer Segmentation
- Competitive Analysis
- Growth Strategies
- Financial Analysis
- Net Profit Improvement
- RACI Chart
- KPIs
- Performance Dashboard
- and more
Similar courses cost over $3,500, but as an introductory offer we are bringing all this material to you for only $495. Give us two days of your time and we will give you over $500,000 of ideas to grow your business and a three-year strategic plan. Additionally, you will get to network with other like-minded individuals.
This course is best suited for businesses with 5 or more employees or over $750,000 in sales.
*This is a one-time offer and seatting will be limited to twenty, so get a seat while it lasts.
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