My Business Isn’t Growing. Help!

SabaconSabacon Ideas

Being an entrepreneur comes with the gifts of flexibility, freedom and personal fulfillment. Yet, alongside the advantages are common roadblocks that most business owners face throughout their careers. One major obstacle is taking your business to the next level when sales are flat. A common question many people come to us with is how they can elevate their business when …

What Can I Do To Add Value to My Business?

SabaconSabacon Ideas

One of the most commonly asked questions I get as a Management Consultant is, ‘What can I do to add value to my business?”  Unfortunately, there is no simple answer.  Depending on how the business was set up, how it is managed, and what the business goals and mission are – there are multitudes of strategies that could be implemented …

Suspect Marketing vs AUSIM Marketing – MOB 9 – Part 1

Gerald JohnsonMasterminds of Business

In today’s episode, Val Lewis and I discuss marketing basics and Suspect Marketing. If you are interested in learning about marketing, what to do and what not to do then this show is for you. Here is a synopsis of what we spoke about during the show: Marketing Expectations of the Target Consumers See Me: • Acknowledge and welcome your …

Four Building Blocks of Business

Gerald JohnsonSabacon Ideas

The foundational building blocks of every business are Processes, People, Customers and Resources. Leaders, who strengthen and understand each one of these blocks, build their business. Those who weaken or neglect these building blocks, find themselves with declines in both their top and bottom lines. Let’s take a deeper look at each of the four building blocksProcesses To Achieve our …