I am a political junkie. I love the art and the science of politics. This past Sunday I was watching Meet the Press and decided to illustrate how marketing a candidate and product or service was not so different. Here are seven insights.
1. Understand Your Offering, Who Are You and Who You Are Not?

2.Motivate Your Customers

Customers also need to be inspired. It takes a lot of energy to get someone to leave their home and go to your place of business, spend time at your meeting, or try something new. It takes inspiration. In order to motivate someone into action you have to fulfill their wants and needs. This is true in politics and especially true in business. If you own a retail business, do you have the right mix of products? What products and services do your customers ask for that you currently do not carry or provide?
3. Collect as Much Data as Possible

You may not have the time or money to develop an infrastructure like President Obama’s, but use what you do have. Collect your customer’s email addresses and zip codes if applicable. Encourage your customers to like you on Facebook and follow you on Twitter. This is an obvious data collection strategy for most businesses. Many businesses miss opportunities to collect data during customer interactions and do not build the infrastructure necessary to capitalize on that data. Maximize the capabilities of the software you currently own, such as your POS system, Excel and Access to collect as much data as possible.
4. Crunch The Data

Small business owners do not have to be so concise, but it is important to see the intersections between the data points. Which zip codes do your customers live in? Where are your clients located? Do your customers have children or not? If they do have children, how old are they? Should you support the local school teams? Are your customers primarily women or men, single or married? What kind of car do they drive or magazines do they read? They may be soccer moms, white male high school graduates, Black church goers, or Latino millennials. What hobbies does each group have? Where do they congregate? Who are their influencers? These are questions that once answered are used to reach the politician’s base and potential voters.
Develop your own database and once every one or two weeks devote some time to maintaining, updating and expanding your data. Utilize this date to develop your core customer demographic (your base). Always be on the lookout for new data connections. Once you have determined who your typical customers are, you can isolate their habits and routines. These data points will aid you in developing your marketing techniques.
5. Target Your Customers

These micro-targeting techniques are very effective and can be profitable for your business. If you found that the core customer demographic of your toy store mostly send their children to Montessori Schools, then how can you strengthen your relationship with those schools. Who are the types of people that send their children to Montessori? What are their values? If you know the values of Montessori parents, you can even target parents that do not send their children to a Montessori school, but have the similar values.
6. Engage Your Customers in as Many Ways as Possible

In contrast, most small business owners do not have resources to utilize all of these methods, but pick a few methods and stick to them. The Mystery Spot is a visual illusion based tourist attraction, based in Santa Cruz, CA. The reader would be surprised how many Mystery Spot bumper stickers you see on the roads in California and many western states; they utilize bumper stickers as their primary marketing technique. Their customers are their best marketers.
Therefore, websites and social media of course are mandatory. Television can be cheaper now with offering’s like Comcast spotlight. Do not forget you can upload videos to your own personal YouTube channel. Businesses have many low-cost and no-cost opportunities in the age of the Internet. You must do your research, be effective and consistent in your efforts. Remember, it is about reach and frequency to your core customer demographic. What marketing techniques are you not using? What does your online line presence look like?
7. Cultivate Your Base to Maximize Profitability.

Likewise, businesses must endeavor to reach everyone who fits into their core customer demographic in order to maximize profitability. A business can be very profitable with just its core customers. You never want to lose focus of your core customer demographic The key is to diligently focus on your core customers; acknowledge them, communicate with them, reward them and don’t get complacent.
In conclusion, watching politicians and their operative work can teach small business owners a few marketing techniques. Remember vote.
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