
Gerald JohnsonSabacon Ideas

There is no chance, no destiny, no fate that can circumvent, hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul.Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Ask yourself

1. Has self-doubt hindered your progress?

2. Do you believe in yourself?

3. Are you on the self improvement path?

Plan your next steps

1. Set a vision for your life.

2. Say a positive affirmation about yourself every day.

3. Take daily steps to reach your goal.

What this quote means to me.

This quote has kept me going during the lows of life and sped my progress through the highs of my life.  I first heard this quote when I was taking a Franklin Time Management course and ever since then I have use it to inspire myself when I was at a impasse.  Bury the quote deep in your heart and it will do the same for you.

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